Demeter Technology

Copper for Cereals


·Even deficiencies too small to induce visible symptoms can reduce yields by up to 20%.

·Copper uptake is highest in young plants. Levels in cereal leaves are highest at the end of tillering and then decrease as the plants grow.

·Copper deficient plants have fewer chloroplasts and senesce more rapidly than plants with good levels.

·If copper levels are low both growth and grain yields decrease with increasing nitrogen fertilisation as the plant is unable to utilize the nitrogen.

·Copper deficient plants have thinner cell walls with little lignification, making them more susceptible to lodging and to attack by pests and diseases such as septoria.

·Copper deficient plants are less cold resistant than those with adequate levels.

·Copper deficiency in cereals can lead to production of vegetative growth late in the season at the expense of grain yield.

·Copper deficient cereals may have blind sites on the ear and may be more susceptible to ergot.

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