sulphur and acrylamide
- Cereals and potatoes are the main source of acrylamide in our diet.
- Acrylamides are not naturally present in cereals but high temperature cooking e.g. baking bread creates acrylamides in the bread.
- Research by Muttucumaru et al (J of Ag and Food Chemistry 54 2006) showed that increasing the level of applied sulphur from 10kg/ha to 40kg/ha reduced the amount of acrylamide formed during cooking by 30%.
- Wheat varieties vary in the quantity of asparagine (a precursor of acrylamide) which they contain.
- It appears that ensuring efficient utilisation of nitrogen fertiliser and its conversion to protein, limits asparagine formation in the grain.
- Lancrop analyses for August to October show nearly 95% of soils tested are below guideline levels for sulphur.
- Elemental sulphur can be applied whenever conditions allow the farmer to travel.
- While crops continue growth the sulphur will be broken down into a form the plant can utilise. As temperatures drop this breakdown will stop and will restart as temperatures rise in spring.
- Elemental S is not leached from the soil so any not utilised now will remain for early spring.
- 50kg/ha Sulphur Supreme will supply 42.5kg/ha S.
- © Demeter Technlogy 19/11/14